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Learning philosophy

English Learners in NYC is inspired by the Educommunication principes. The term Educommunication is understood by ABPEducom (Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores e Profissionais em Educomunicação) as a guiding paradigm for socio-educational-communicational practices whose goal is the creation and strengthening of open and democratic communicative ecosystems in educational spaces, through shared and solidarity-based management of communication resources, their languages, and technologies, leading to the strengthening of the protagonism of social subjects and the consequent practical exercise of the universal right to expression.

The locus of educommunicative practice is the Communication/Education interface, constituting itself as a transdisciplinary field of dialogue, ensuring opportunities for reflections and actions aimed at the planning and implementation of processes and products intended, among other goals:

  • to expand the capacity for expression of all people in a given educational context, whether in formal teaching practices or in non-formal or even informal education experiences;
  • to improve the communicative coefficient of educational actions, turning them into social dialogue practices in the service of citizenship;
  • to develop practices of “media literacy”, through exercises that facilitate the understanding and analysis of the operational behavior of media, as well as guide the coexistence with media messages and their use in everyday life in society;
  • to employ information resources in educational practices, from a creative and participatory perspective.
  • to promote communicative protagonism of individuals, regardless of their age, gender, economic level or social position.

Visible in the actions of the social movement throughout Latin America from the 1960s, through alternative and resistance communication, as well as dialogic popular education, the concept today faces the main challenge of socially legitimizing itself and becoming a reference for public policies.

Reference: ABP Educom